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  • jennyshann02


Updated: Jan 24, 2019

Some days we watch a clock and see the hands move around. As we watch it, it goes faster, and we’re out of control. Time goes on and doesn’t come back. But how are we so aware of time in these moments and not others? I experience true awareness when sitting in class, not feeling alive until it reaches 9:50 and I can walk out onto something "more important." If it was a decision to be there in class and to do that with life, though, that’s such an important thing to invest that devoted time to.

It’s like the place our minds are in while we’re enjoying our time out with friends, especially when it’s not planned and it doesn’t matter what the clock says. It’ll go on if you look at it or not. Wanting it to move faster during boring times is a death wish!

You can’t save time for later. It’s now and that’s it. Paying attention to the ticking will drive you mad. Imagine being 40 and remembering the time your 12 year old self said “Damn, time is moving so quickly and sooner or later I’ll be 40 thinking about it.” Then it’s reality.

Hopefully all of that time in between wasn’t spent thinking about time! It’ll rudely intrude your life and take over. But in order to not think about it, you have to think about it.

It’s nice to have a day to be aware of the clock and see time moving and realize you’re growing with it, too. We are time because we govern ourselves on it.

Then there may come a time where you’re so in the moment that you tend to forget about it. You weren’t thinking at that time to savor it because every moment is savored. Little moments mean everything all of the time, but that doesn’t mean reminiscing on the good old days... Shouldn't it mean enjoying this? That doesn’t mean worrying about what will happen in an hour because that’s then and this is now. Plan for it, but why worry?

Take the time.

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